TRAINING – also available online & in German/Deutsch!
Having a B.A. in Education, below are my available (english) Trainings on demand.
On demand and customized trainings
Agility & Sustainability
- Sustainability – How to use agility for increasing (social, economic & environmental) sustainability (1 day)
- Agile Project Management (1 or 2 days)
- Intense training to learn about agility and set up an agile process for a concrete environment (5 days)
- Kick-Start to agile methodologies (1 day)
- Scaling Agility – Agile Development in Large and Distributed Environments (2 days)
- Retrospectives – What are they / How to facilitate one / How to benefit from one (1 day)
- Agile Planning – Iteration and Release Planning (1 day)
- Extreme Programming or Scrum (2 days). Please note that I don’t certify Scrum Masters. The reason is that I don’t believe in this kind of certification and support fully the position statement of the Agile Alliance concerning Agile Certification.
- Agile Software Development in Large and Distributed Environments, available on demand, London organized by Skills Matter
- Agile Project Management for the Practitioner, on demand organized by StamfordGlobal